The Roman Coliseum


Built:-70 AD To 80 AD

Coliseum is a masterpiece of the ancient architecture. This building is manifestation of the advancement of ancient Roman architecture. At the same time, Coliseum was a cultural center attracting people from different parts of Rome and the Mediterranean. In fact, it was a cultural center of the ancient world that made Coliseum important not only from artistic but also cultural point of view. Coliseum was the entertainment center of the Roman Empire. Coliseum was one of the most important architectural works of ancient Rome, which played an important cultural, social and political role in Rome. Coliseum was a truly colossal work of ancient architects, who had managed to create a masterpiece using resources and technologies available to ancient Romans. At the same time, Coliseum mirrored not only technological achievements of ancient Romans but also cultural traditions, norms and standards of ancient Roman society.

Coliseum was an epical building, which construction had started during the rule of Vespasian and was accomplished under the rule of his son, Titus, who honored his father on organizing the games in Coliseum, the largest amphitheater of the Roman Empire. The history of the construction of Coliseum is very important because this amphitheater was constructed by Roman empires to demonstrate their power, the greatness of Rome, and their devotedness to traditional Roman values. In this respect, it is worth mentioning the fact that Romans had always been concerned with entertainments and amphitheaters where gladiators fought and various, often bloodthirsty, performances were organized, including symbolic naval battles. In such a way, Coliseum became a public place where Roman emperors such as Titus could demonstrate their love to Roman people and show their goodness. On the other hand, in actuality, Coliseum was a sort of public place where Roman emperors could shape their positive public image because, if they attended Coliseum, they hold the central place in the whatever performance was organized.